Annelyse Bartolo

Country: Malta
Company: Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd
Connect: LinkedIN | Biscuit People


Annelyse Bartolo is currently working for Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd in Malta. The company was set up in 1982 and produces a wide range of biscuits, crackers and snack foods under the Devon and Sunshine Snacks brands as well as other private label products. She has been working with this company since 2009 starting off her career as a Quality Assurance Manager and then moving on to Technical Manager in 2013. She is responsible for food safety, new product development and providing technical assistance to the production lines. She has a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Biology and Chemistry awarded by the University of Malta and has successfully completed various food manufacturing courses including HACCP Advanced.


Checking in crackers

Checking is a phenomenon which occurs when small hairline cracks develop in biscuits and crackers. These cracks may consequently result in breakage of the product when exposed to minimal force since they present a weakness within the cracker structure. Checking generally occurs sometime after the crackers are baked and packed, usually a few days after they are produced. It starts off as small fractures that may not be easily visible but gradually grow to become more evident over time. The fact that this phenomenon is only visible days after packing makes it hard to assess for in real time during production. A review of the entire process from mixing to packing is key to identifying factors which may contribute to the incidence of checking. Control of moisture gradients after baking and optimisation of process parameters are important in the reduction of checking levels.

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